Imagine how you'd sound over the phone if you just won the lottery. That's pretty much how Ron sounded when he called us.
He was explaining to us that he had just walked out the door of his doctor's office and had received his most recent blood test results. The reason he was so excited is because his blood test revealed concrete proof of the results he personally gained by using Xooma's brand new product - KardiaXyme (KX).
After just 30 days of using "KX" at the recommended dosage level (4 ounces per day), here are Ron's personal blood test results:
* His bad cholesterol (LDL) level went DOWN a total of 16.5% (19 points).
* His good cholesterol (HDL) went UP 3.6% (2 points).
* His blood pressure was completely normal without taking any medication.
What makes this even more exciting is the fact that Ron is a very healthy guy to start with. His blood tests before taking KX revealed that his cholesterol levels were substantially better than most men his age. (He didn't have what doctors call a "high cholesterol" problem)
The only medication Ron was taking before KX was a low dose prescription for high blood pressure. However, after using KX for 30 days, his blood pressure is completely normal with no medication and his cholesterol levels are the best he's ever seen in any of his blood tests.
Here's the most amazing part...
Ron's doctor was so amazed at his results - especially considering how healthy Ron is, he insisted that Ron let him purchase the KX product so that he could try it personally and see what it would do for him.
The story continues...
During the phone call Ron made to us, his excitement must have overpowered the logical side of his brain. He started giving us specific instructions of what he wanted us to do with KX for Xooma Members "immediately."
We quickly reminded him that the support information, website, and brochure for KardiaXyme (KX) were still in development and nowhere near ready for official release yet. But the way he responded was like he never heard a word we said.
He said, "I want to give as many Xooma Members as possible the opportunity to try this product like I did. This is too good to wait! People need this product and the results it can provide!"

Ron said, "I want to give people who are willing to be "early adopters" a special offer. If they are willing to try the product now, even before all the support materials and information is ready to go, we're going to reward them with some FREE bottles of KX."
Here's the special order options Ron gave us:
One bottle of KardiaXyme (KX): Retail: $74.95
Member price: $49.99 (50 QV / 40 PV) ITEM #2701
Buy 3 (KX) - Get 1 FREE: Retail: $299.96
Member price: $149.97 (150 QV / 100 PV) ITEM #2704
Buy 6 (KX) - Get 6 FREE: Retail: $899.88
Member price: $299.94 (300 QV / 160 PV) ITEM #2712
KX is a 100% natural liquid infusion product that comes in 32 ounce bottles. Currently, this product is available for shipment to Members in the US, Canada & Australia.
To order, simply log in to the back office of your Xooma Worldwide website, click on the "Shop Online" link in the upper right corner, and enter the item number shown above.
While all the support information for this brand new product is still a few weeks away from being complete, you can get more information by joining us on a special KardiaXyme educational conference call which takes place this Saturday. Here's that call information:
The call takes place on the Xooma Conference line - this SATURDAY at 10:00 AM EDT (New York time):
+ 1 - 201- 793- 9022 Room# 6040342
(Participants using Skype should call +9900827046040342).
This special purchase opportunity is available now through the end of the day on January 31st. So, if you want to receive FREE bottles of the new KX as an "early adopter," be sure to place your order before the end of the month.
Working hard to make 2011 your best year ever...
Your Xooma Corporate Team
P.S. First shipments of KardiaXyme start next week.
Our initial shipment of KardiaXyme is scheduled to arrive at our world headquarters in approximately 5 days. All pending orders will be shipped as soon as the inventory arrives
Your Xooma Corporate Team
To become Member/Purchase, Call Xooma @
1-757 868 0086 and mention sponsor Id # 558553
To become Member/Purchase, Call Xooma @
1-757 868 0086 and mention sponsor Id # 558553